Sunday, June 6, 2010

wyclef posters.

The layout grid for this poster is "Random." The first poster is created from hand drawn type and watercolor. The line is live traced and edited in Illustrator and then placed into InDesign. I can't decide if the poster would be more visually powerful horizontally. I'll have to play around with that. The second poster is created from live trace tools and a variety of typefaces combined (hence the randomness theme)

My typeface: "Speckle"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

t y p e f a c e

The typeface I created, "Speckle," is a collaboration of small organic shapes and lines. Each letter is hand drawn and scanned into InDesign. I then edited the contrast between lights and darks and edited shapes that were out of place when viewed close up on the computer screen. I paired "Speckle" with American Typewriter Light, designed by Joel Kaden and Tony Stan, because of its curves and organic feel. The background pages are watercolor paintings edited in photoshop to represent speckle spots. This helps to push the idea of Speckle visually for the viewer's eye.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

create a typeface...



here are some of examples of type that have inspired me. I have drawn a few sketches of type (i will update later) I am going for curvy, organic, thin type.

Monday, April 5, 2010

grid posters!

for my next poster i decided to do mason jennings. the layout for this one involves the grid system, which seems like it may be a little complicated. these posters i chose (for inspiration and because they attracted my eye) don't necessarily have great grid systems but i want to use their hand drawn/analogue style. they are awesome.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

ha ha ha.

i love love love the lotus poster. if i could somehow create something like that but using the dilation system....kinda similar to the circular motion going on in the moe poster...

Surfing-my sister

Surfing-my sister
I love this picture because it reminds me of this past summer surfing with my sister. We took a bunch of creative pictures one day on the beach and i ended up liking this one alot. I love how the picture is in sepia tone, it is probably my favorite coloring for pictures.